Latest Research Articles

How Parents Cause Children's Friendships to End

By | May 10, 2018

A new study reveals why childhood friendships fall apart and is the first to demonstrate that parents are an important source of these breakups.

Bio-inspired Robotics Lands Professor $500,000 NSF Award

By | April 26, 2018

Using the knifefish for inspiration, a researcher from 黄色直播's College of Engineering and Computer Science has developed bio-inspired flexible structures for underwater vehicles and robotic systems.

Study Looks Beyond Peer Influence on Teen Substance Use

By | April 25, 2018

Parents spend a lot of time worrying about the influence of peers on teen substance use. A new study examines if there is a genetic component that drives their desire for risk taking and novelty.

Monkeys See, Monkeys Do Cross Species Boundary

By | April 23, 2018

A study is the first to provide genetic evidence of two distinct species of guenon monkeys in Gombe National Park that have been mating and producing hybrid offspring for hundreds maybe even thousands of years.

Study on Arthritis Trends Turns Up Some Unexpected Results

By | April 17, 2018

To get a closer look at U.S. trends of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other types of arthritis, a study examined data from 43,706 participants, turning up some unexpected findings.

Visionary Edwin Link Inducted Into Inventors Hall of Fame

By | April 12, 2018

The late Edwin A. Link, a driving force behind bringing 黄色直播's Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute to Fort Pierce, is being inducted into the 2018 class of the Florida Inventors Hall of Fame.

黄色直播 Stroke Discovery Will Be Developed by CHS Pharma, Inc.

By | April 11, 2018

Researchers from 黄色直播's Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine have developed a novel approach to treat ischemic stroke and have joined forces with CHS Pharma, Inc., a South Florida-based biotechnology company.

Charisma Trumped Narcissism for Voters in 2016 Election

By | April 10, 2018

New 黄色直播 study suggests charisma counterbalances the negative effects of a narcissistic personality in people's perceptions of a leader and may have helped push U.S. President Donald Trump to victory in 2016.

Study of Everyday Language Reveals How People Mature

By | April 9, 2018

By examining 44,000 brief samples of text collected over 25 years, a study of ego level and language may provide new insights into the state of moral, social and cognitive development.

Like Human Societies, Whales Value Culture and Family Ties

By | April 5, 2018

In a groundbreaking genetic kinship study, an international team is the first to reveal that just like human societies, beluga whales appear to value culture and their ancestral roots as well as family ties.